Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today was a fun sort of day with some beauty thrown in for spice. I went to Prometheus in 3D with my Intro to Western Lit class. The movie consists of scatterings of sex and disgustingly graphic violence, though it contained scenes that were quite indulgently pretty. As far as shots of the shockingly gorgeous landscapes and the level of detail in the sets and special effects, they had plenty and used them to overwhelm the outrageously detailed and revolting alien/monster scenes. My favorite character was probably David, the robot-who-looked-like-a-man. Before you jump on me about how much of a jerk he was though, let me explain that it was because he seemed more multi-faceted and harder to figure out from the very beginning. I enjoy characters with depth and David, while working against humanity, kept my interest because he was humorous (albeit darkly), and he had an agenda that wasn’t obvious from the get-go. He grew on me even more when he spoke with Charlie Holloway, a man who may have had his heart in the right place but was quite rude and borderline abusive to David in one scene in particular. David, while he may not have had feelings per-se, was both daring and interesting because he got revenge in a way that I believe only a human can. He also was a villain that held my intrigue because the entire time he was working with his own plan behind that of the one the majority of the crew on the Prometheus aimed at. The main lady, Elizabeth Shaw, was not interesting enough in my opinion. What really threw me off was when she had an abortion and was still so surprisingly spry. As someone who has had 5 major abdominal surgeries before (J-pouch surgery), I know you don’t just get up and run around after one of those—especially if the most current technology to close a wound as of 2094 is still just a bunch of surgical staples. I suppose it is possible that the medicine Elizabeth injected into herself multiple times was strong enough to kill the pain. But suspending my belief became rather difficult when she ran consistently and jumped over large holes in the earth throughout most of the end of the movie. I am also unsure as to how Elizabeth expects to get some aliens who were on the verge of murdering the entire human race to help her and answer some of her questions. But oh well... Overall, this was not a terrible movie, as it did succeed in keeping my interest throughout. However, I do not know if I’ll be recommending it to all my friends—just those with a strong stomach.

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