Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day... oh nevermind.

Today in class we discussed the theme of Justice, the Furies, the importance of the choruses, matricide and murder in The Oresteia. We read an enormous amount due simply to the length of the parts of the chorus. We discussed The Onion, with the possibility that we would create our own parody articles based on it. There were terrible jokes and puns and the inability to halt the laughter that I most readily emitted, though it hurt my soul. There were plans made to meet up and dress like “sluts” for a stand-in professor (this is probably about as scandalous as it sounds). There were expressions of awe purely over language, though this is hardly a new occurrence in this class. Prometheus, the movie, is showing in 3D at 1:40 on Thursday, and I am pondering over whether or not to attend simply due to funds but I believe missing it would likely be worse than going. I know I will probably enjoy it very much, as I usually enjoy horror movies. I may have nightmares, however. If so, I plan to quite joyously snuggle my boyfriend and fall asleep in the safety of his enormous and lovely biceps. Okay, no, but seriously, my boyfriend is awesome. But shhh, don’t tell him I told you. In any case, I am running out of things to say. Today was mildly exhausting even though I got very little done. I’m working on trying to be a bit more interesting with my wording, perhaps with little success, but I digress… I am past my post limit, and so, you need not be troubled by my silly excuse for writing any longer.
Sarah Grissinger

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